The first young cucumbers start arriving to the markets during June. Pickle them and enjoy them in the second part of the year. As a salad, in a sandwich, along meat cuts, in meat dishes and sauces… Continue the sequence and combine them to your taste.
1 kg (35.3 oz) cucumbers
2 branches fresh dill
2-3 bay leaves
For the brine:
1 l (34 fl oz) water
150 ml (5.10 fl oz) vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
Wash the jars of 1.3 l/44 fl oz and 700 ml/24 fl oz while placing them in a preheated oven at 90°C/194°F for 10 minutes. Cool them.
Mix the ingredients for the brine and gently warm them up till the salt and sugar dissolve. Allow to cool.
Wash the cucumbers and distribute them, along with the dill and bay leaves in the jars.
Pour the cooled brine over the cucumbers and close with a lid.
Place a kitchen towel in the pot and arrange jars on it so they do not touch each other. Pour water so that the jars are 2/3 covered with water and put the water to boil. Cook for 10 minutes. Leave the jars to cool down completely in the water.
Remove them from pot, wipe out and store in a dark and dry place to stand three weeks before serving.
Serve with meat dishes, meat cuts, prepare sandwiches, mayo based sauces and so on.
After opening, keep the jars in the refrigerator.
Preparation time
60 minutes
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